& Support 

Ebony Hikers was founded in 2020 to provide inspiration, encouragement and support for people with Black ancestry of all ages in the United Kingdom who are interested in exploring the outdoors through hiking.

Exploring Nature.

Embracing Heritage.

Discover the Beauty.

Connect with Your Roots.

Get started

Discover beauty and connect with your roots

Are you passionate about hiking, adventure, and connecting with nature? Look no further! Ebony Hikers is a vibrant hiking group based in the West Midlands, dedicated to fostering a sense of community and exploration among people of Black ancestry. We believe in the transformative power of nature and the importance of celebrating our heritage while embracing the great outdoors.

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Who are we?

At Ebony Hikers, we are a group of like-minded individuals who share a love for hiking and a desire to strengthen our connection with nature. We understand the significance of representation and creating spaces where people of Black ancestry can come together, share experiences, and build lasting friendships. Our group is open to all skill levels, from beginners to experienced hikers, and we encourage a supportive and inclusive atmosphere where everyone feels welcome.

Where you go
is the key

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide a platform for individuals of Black ancestry to explore the outdoors while nurturing a sense of pride in our diverse cultural heritage. Through our hikes, we aim to improve:

Physical Wellbeing: Emphasising physical health through exercise, nutrition, and rest for vitality.

Emotional Balance: Cultivating emotional resilience, seeking support when needed, and practicing self-care.

Mental Clarity: Enhancing cognitive abilities through learning, mindfulness, and stress management.

Social Connection: Nurturing meaningful relationships to foster belonging and support.

Purposeful Living: Setting meaningful goals aligned with values for a fulfilling life.

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About Our Membership

Since Ebony Hikers was established in 2020, things have changed rapidly from members sharing their favourite trails, to leaders offering well-planned and tested routes. Your safety is paramount and is at the forefront of everything we do, for this reason, we ask walk leaders to recce trails before we offer them to you. Your membership fees cover our Public Liability Insurance, walk leader's expenses, and training and development for walk leaders. As well as this, you can expect to receive a minimum of 1 guided walk per month, priority bookings, residentials and social events. 

Easy, moderate and challenging hikes. All  designed to work together and support each other

No matter your fitness level, we modify and tailor walks to meet our needs